
Youth Ministries

The Youth at Parkview are very active in missions projects & discipleship.  Wednesday night Bible study is at 6:00 followed by fun & fellowship.  The teens at Parkview lead many of the outreach events. 

Children's Ministries

Our children's ministry continues to grow!  We have 2 age groups (age 4-K & 1st-5th grade) that meet most Sunday mornings for children's church for adults who are attending our main worship service.

Our Wednesday night children's ministries is from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.  Kids in 1st-6th grade must be registered and signed in & out by a parent/guardian.  Adults who are not the parent/guardian must be pre-authorized to sign children in/out. 

NOTE: All children must be potty trained & registered to attend children's ministries on Sunday morning or Sunday night.

Our Wednesday night Youth Ministries is from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.

Sunday School

 Starting time is 9:45 AM. We have several classes from which to choose ranging in age from pre-k through adult.


We support missions literally around the globe through partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board (NAMB) & International Mission Board (IMB).  Additionally we partner with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention & the Great Commission Baptist Association of the River Valley (formerly Concord).

Many church members adopted (sponsor) children from around the globe through Compassion International in order to lift people out of poverty in Jesus' name!

There is a blessing box in front of the church with food available to those in need.  The public is welcome to take what you need & give what you can.  To make a donation, simply place your non-perishable food items in the blessing box.

We also partner with the South Logan County Resource Center as part of the Ministerial Alliance to provide for the needs of the community.